I have started getting this error out of the blue. Been running PA Monitor for years and for years on the same server. Never an issue. Now I get this error and corresponding emails about 1,000 times per hour.

I saw a couple of other threads about it, but no real answer to what the issue is or how to solve it. Can someone help? Here is the full email.

Monitor "Event Log Monitor" on server/device Servers/Devices > * is consistently busy and not able to run. It should run every 1h 0m, but has been stuck in Monitor Busy for 7d 8h 2m.
Troubleshooting Notes
Monitor Type: Event Log Monitor
Monitors of this type: 8
Throttle for this type: 15
Currently Running: 5
Avg Run Time: 1200 ms
Current CPU usage: 3
CPU Throttling: No
Last Status: Monitor is consistently busy and not able to run. It should run every 1h 0m, but has been stuck in Monitor Busy for 7d 8h 2m

asked 18 Jun '21, 22:42

pukkainc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi pukkainc,

We've received a number of notes about this lately. We're assuming a Windows Update must have disabled the Remote Event Log Management rule in Windows Firewall. Enable that rule and the monitor should start working again.


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answered 22 Jun '21, 09:22

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

We've learned more about this issue and now have a blog post about the various issues at play:



answered 01 Jul '21, 09:55

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 18 Jun '21, 22:42

Seen: 13,671 times

Last updated: 01 Jul '21, 09:55