
Ever since we updated to version, we receive below alert on seemingly random moments. Both from the monitoring server as well as the satellite server. Any idea on how to fix this? Our database files are stored in a directory, not SQL.

System Error Detected: Database error

CAN'T CONNECT: ODBC failed to connect to database. Check the connection string:

4294967295, [ODBC Error (rec=1): state=IM002, nativeErr=0, err=[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified]

Best regards, Ronny

asked 08 Jan, 03:16

itcmd's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Jan, 03:18

Hi Ronny -

If you are storing data in the local database files and not via SQL Server, you shouldn't be getting that error at all. Please contact support so we can look at some log files and help with this. You can email support@poweradmin.com.


answered 11 Jan, 13:02

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Thank you Doug,

Email has been sent.

Best regards, Ronny

(13 Jan, 02:55) itcmd
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Asked: 08 Jan, 03:16

Seen: 2,067 times

Last updated: 13 Jan, 02:55