I have problems with monitor staling at status scheduled and not getting the updates into system in time for next poll. For example a SNMP read to a UPS running every 15 minutes stalls in scheduled and stays there. It get a successful polls some but acts very odd and can’t be trusted. The same is for several Inventory collector and System Performance Metric (OOB setup) Where can I start investigating the issue, any log files or other places?

I have quite many servers setup (about 600). These are connected to about 15 satellite services with various link speeds, but the issue is on all places. I have SQL server as a back end DB.


asked 26 Mar '13, 18:59

micke's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Mar '13, 19:01

Hi Micke,

The log files for the main service by default are located in the PA Server MonitorLogs directory. You can also find the location by opening the Setting menu and at the bottom you will see the location for the log file.

The best why to get a log file from a satellite is to open the console and go to the Satellite's section. Do a right click on the satellite you want to get the log file from and select the option to retrieve the log file. The log file will be downloaded and put in the main service's Logs directory.

If you need help looking in the log files please zip them up and send them to support@poweradmin.com. Please include the servers name and other information that will help find the information in the logs.

Thanks Quinn


answered 03 Apr '13, 11:43

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thank will review the log files for some time. If something I can’t solve I will send a support request. Case closed


answered 09 Apr '13, 09:50

micke's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 26 Mar '13, 18:59

Seen: 5,030 times

Last updated: 09 Apr '13, 09:50