I have PA Monitor Pro Version and i'm having an issue for some of the monitors not sending a notification when a new file has been uploaded to the directory. I have the monitor setup to look at the file dates and it should send an email notification saying that a new file has arrived.

This works for some monitors but not others. My question is do I need to have the "new file created" box checked for this to always send a email notification?

asked 12 Apr '13, 16:36

icolvard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Ian --

The File & Directory monitor just takes a snapshot of a folder and stores it, then compares a fresh snapshot against the stored one. It sees one file name has disappeared, and another one is now there, but it doesn't have any way to know they are actually the same file (just relying on file size wouldn't be good).

Our PA File Sight product can alert on file creation and distinguish between creation, deletion and renames (because it is monitoring everything in real time), but I'm not sure if this would be overkill for your situation.


answered 22 Apr '13, 18:19

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

I have been looking into the File Sight program and that looks like what we need. Thanks for your help.

(23 Apr '13, 02:11) icolvard

Yes, if you want to be notified of a new file (arrival/creation), this the "New File Created" box needs to be checked. The file date box will alert you if an existing file's date changes.


answered 12 Apr '13, 18:13

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%


If you are using a File & Directory Change monitor and you what to be notified when a new file is created, you will need to have the "New file created" checked. You also have to have a match with the file extension that you are monitoring for. If you have any ignores that match your file, then the alert will not fired.

Thanks Quinn


answered 12 Apr '13, 18:15

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for the quick response on this. I will try this on Monday and let you all know.



answered 14 Apr '13, 04:25

icolvard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I do have one more question. After checking the Created File setting it will send email notifications on renaming the file.

I would like to know is there way to stop this without using the Ignore list?

Some of times our clients will upload a file the correct way and sometimes they will send it incorrect file name. Just on the off chance they send it the correct way we don't won't to ignore the file.

Any help would be nice.



answered 15 Apr '13, 19:59

icolvard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 12 Apr '13, 16:36

Seen: 10,796 times

Last updated: 23 Apr '13, 02:11