I am creating a first time use of a log file monitor. The server is monitored otherwise, but first time trying this specific monitor and have been awaiting to do so. I used the Log File Source as both \servernamefolder*.ext or c:folder etc., I have entered my Match: "filter words" appropriately and when I click "Test" - I always receive "No files can be found that match the search criteria. Continue anyway?" mesaage box.

I purposely put in a test log file with those exact words in it to test it and it will return that message no matter what. My logs are all appendable, so I took out the filter and put in a word every log in the directory would have and it still came up with "No files can be found...

What do I not have enabled or might have overlooked? I chose the appropriate character encodings.

asked 18 Jun '14, 13:52

Terri's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Terri -

Can you send me a screenshot of your log file monitor settings? Also, a screenshot of the location of where the files are located would be helpful.



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answered 18 Jun '14, 14:33

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I have used in my path \servernamefolder*.ext and C:folder*.ext and Quinn sent a response suggesting that I try using the following:

\servernameC$folder*.ext and add the admin drive share reference in the path.

Upon doing so and testing, I now receive "2 matches have been found in file [filename]"

It then lists the references to which my text was found.

That is exactly what I have hope to have retrieved from the results. Perfect!

So for anyone else looking, what assisted me on this was by adding C$ in my filepath reference.

Thanks, Quinn!

(18 Jun '14, 15:56) Terri
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Asked: 18 Jun '14, 13:52

Seen: 10,096 times

Last updated: 20 Mar '18, 00:53