I'm trying out Storage Monitor v5.1.1.24. I've added a Monitor to watch the local V: drive + subdirs. When I try to run an AdHoc report for "Changed Files", the report is empty and if I highlight the server in the left hand pane, under Monitor Status, it reports "Watch V:+subdirs" "No changes detected in V:" However, under recent alerts, I see entries for Monitor = "Watch V:+subdirs", Details = "File V:pathpath... was changed". So we have alerts for changed files, but a monitor status of no changes, and empty reports. What am I missing? -Thanks

asked 17 May '13, 18:05

barthur's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Reports are working. I guess I just wasn't waiting long enough for the report to finish...?


answered 20 May '13, 13:28

barthur's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 17 May '13, 18:05

Seen: 6,039 times

Last updated: 20 May '13, 13:28