I'm trying out Storage Monitor v5.0.2.49. I added two file system analyzer monitors to a server and let it run overnight. This afternoon I went to generate a report. I went to Reports and selected Generate Ad Hoc Report. In the main part of the window I chose File System Analyzer -> Largest Files. I clicked on Report Display Type and left it at the default of tabular report. For Source Data I selected on of the folders that was scanned on my test server. For Filters and Parameters I chose 50 and MB.

When I click on the Generate button in the bottom right, the main part of the window goes blank. Nothing happens. I then get an email about database errors.

Please advise.

asked 02 Nov '12, 21:02

matt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please zip and send your log files to our support AT poweradmin DOT com address so we can troubleshoot the database errors.

Logs are found in C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Logs


answered 03 Nov '12, 10:13

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 02 Nov '12, 21:02

Seen: 6,311 times

Last updated: 03 Nov '12, 10:13