Hi, we are testing PASERVER Monitor for our managed services operations center. our first day and installed a satellite on remote site (external network) we got the satellite and see the device in our operations center. However the ping response time shows 1ms everytime. Its not possible to ping the remote site in 1ms it must be over 25-30ms. Am i missing something on setup?

asked 07 Jun '13, 12:32

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That means that you can't get a 30-40 ms ping from your office unless you have a VPN or something else setup that you could use to access those servers. At this point the only option that you have is to use the satellites.



answered 07 Jun '13, 16:05

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%


When you are using a satellite to monitor a server at the remote site, the ping is done from the satellite not the main service. So, it could be 1 ms from the satellite on the remote network to the server on the same network.



answered 07 Jun '13, 14:55

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 07 Jun '13, 14:55

We have over 50 clients and managing over 500 active assets like servers/workstations/notebooks etc. So clients have 30-40 pcs in their network so i want to be able to ping each client with real ping statistics to our operation network (which is outside of their network) possibly we mostly see 30-40ms ping times but how can we achieve this? Our operations center check these pcs in minute intervals so we want to learn weather the remote internet dropped or not?


answered 07 Jun '13, 15:13

gmbilisim's gravatar image

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Do you have to use a satellite to monitor the servers/devices at your customer's location? If not, you could move the server from being monitored by the satellite back to the main service.
Another option would be to monitor the server from both the satellite and the main service.

(07 Jun '13, 15:39) Quinn ♦♦

i changed "monitor from: central monitoring service" and now iam getting error on pings 30.000 ms indicates no response


answered 07 Jun '13, 15:49

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rather than ping is there any service that i can use to monitor delay with the remote computer and my local server. Both have located on different locations connected thru adsl/internet. I need to learn how many ms they reach to us like ping ms


answered 07 Jun '13, 15:53

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Asked: 07 Jun '13, 12:32

Seen: 10,607 times

Last updated: 07 Jun '13, 16:05