I am unable to monitor running processes on two Server 2008 R2 servers. One server is being monitored from the master console and another from a satellite. The monitors are in an error state, if I try to add a new process monitor on these servers it fails to pull a list of the running processes.

I have restarted both the master console and the satellite in an effort to fix the problem but still it persists.

I have copied in the error from the log file. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

08-17-2012, 19:59:53.138, TID:06260, PID:03740, ERROR: GetRunningProcessesOnMachine-SNMP returned Can not contact SNMP agent at ServerX (GetBulk). Err=noError, ret=301 08-17-2012, 19:59:53.138, TID:06260, PID:03740, ERROR: Monitor [ServerX] [Watch process WINWORD.EXE] failed to run. The monitor may or may not function properly until the service is restarted. The reason given: Can not get remote process list.

Can not contact SNMP agent at ServerX (GetBulk). Err=noError, ret=301

asked 17 Aug '12, 15:17

cmore's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Ok, I figured this out. I'm not sure how it happened but the checkbox that states "This is a Windows Computer" was unchecked. I've checked the box now and I can pull the process list off these servers again :-0


answered 17 Aug '12, 15:50

cmore's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

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(17 Aug '12, 16:11) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 17 Aug '12, 15:17

Seen: 8,418 times

Last updated: 17 Aug '12, 16:11