I am using V5 PA Server Monitor. Why would a monitored hard drive on a server not appear 1. on the system information as a graphic eg. pie chart, but appears below in the monitor status and 2. if the drive does not apear as a graphic, it also does not appear in the source data when trying to run an ad hoc report or configure to appear in a scheduled report.

asked 13 Sep '13, 02:56

Stevo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Stevo,

The first thing that comes to mind is that the monitor has not run yet or collected enough data to create the charts. Right click on the monitor at the bottom of the pop-up you should see when the last time the monitor had run. If it has not run you can also kick off the monitor by selecting Run Now.


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answered 13 Sep '13, 09:16

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks Quinn - yes disc space monitoring is running routinely and last run only minutes ago and the disc space monitor values are appearing below the System Information graphics in ' Monitor Status'. If I try to run an ad hoc or scheduled report I cannot even select the server or the drive as they do not appear in the 'Source data' tab when compiling a report. If I select another ' Report Data type' for the same server to run a report on, eg. 'Ping report', the server is there for me to select and I get a report output.

(15 Sep '13, 22:55) Stevo

Hi Stevo - When you get the chance let's do a remote session so I can take a look at this with you. I'm thinking that we need to look at the monitor and make sure that it is monitoring correctly. Please call 1-800-401-2339

(16 Sep '13, 09:56) Quinn ♦♦

Hi Quinn - I have fixed this - I deleted the server and then re-added it. I then did a Smart Auto Configuration of the monitors. The System Information graphic now shows disc spce and disc space values are appearing on scheduled reports.

(17 Sep '13, 19:51) Stevo
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Asked: 13 Sep '13, 02:56

Seen: 5,507 times

Last updated: 17 Sep '13, 19:51