Having problems with the beta release At first it appeared that the deployment of the satellites worked fine but after adding some servers to monitor the Satellite service seemed to hang. When I look at the server that is hosting the SAT service the process is running at 50% CPU and it has disconnected from the manager. In the configuration tool, where it queries the Satellite service, it says the service is starting but never running. Now I can't get the Satellite to connect in at all.

asked 11 Dec '13, 11:32

coultrain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've noticed that if I install the satellite manually it works fine. The problems only occur when I deploy it using the command line.


answered 11 Dec '13, 16:25

coultrain's gravatar image

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Asked: 11 Dec '13, 11:32

Seen: 4,222 times

Last updated: 11 Dec '13, 16:25