
I have a Igel Thinclient with Mozilla Firefox and a Wallmount 42" Flatscreen to see Status Overview all the Time. In PA I activated the "Login required" Feature for reports to allow my Customers the access to there own reports (new Feature in V5 beta).

Now my Problem: The Igel automatically power off on the evening and starts up in the morning. Since I activated the "Login required" Feature I have to login on the Igel too. Is there a special URL or another chance to have autologin for the Igel?


asked 31 Aug '12, 10:34

beso's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

(Sorry to beso for my delay in reporting back here)

You can now login via the URL by passing the following parameters:



So you could have http://{server}:{port}/index.htm?USERNAME=doug&PASSWORD=pw

Of course it's important to only do this on a protected system, and to assign the user limited rights such a View Reports only.


answered 14 Sep '12, 14:23

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

That's a really great idea. I'm not sure if I'd recommend passing login credentials on the URL, but if you're running in a secure environment, AND you've restricted the login to be a view-only account, then it seems safe.

We'll add this feature in the next couple of days and I'll return here to let you know about it.


answered 01 Sep '12, 09:13

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

Something new on that post?

(14 Sep '12, 06:14) beso
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Asked: 31 Aug '12, 10:34

Seen: 24,175 times

Last updated: 14 Sep '12, 14:23