Hi Team,

This one is a bit hard to test so I wanted to see if you think it would work. I am trying to monitor the log file of an FTP server we host to alert if a client has not connected in around 5 hours.

The log files are newly created on a daily basis.

I have a filter set up: Check for match against the following regular expression - not "Connection accepted from 203.92.xx.xxx"

where i have added x for privacy.

As a test I have just changed the IP address to see if that fires.

I have then set it to only fire alerts after 1 match in 5 hours

Cheers Shaun

asked 24 Jul '14, 20:13

shaunscott's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Hi Shaun,

The only thing that I don't is how often you run your monitor. That would make a difference in weather your "only fire alerts after 1 match in 5 hours" would work.

I would suggest a little easier to follow approach, set the monitor to run once every five hours and then change the filter to "Don't suppress any matches...". This will give you the check once every 5 hours and the monitor will look to see if there has been and entry in the log file.


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answered 25 Jul '14, 09:17

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

Thanks I think this is working now.

I am not sure it the logical operators are case sensitive



answered 28 Jul '14, 19:12

shaunscott's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. -Quinn


answered 29 Jul '14, 08:56

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 24 Jul '14, 20:13

Seen: 7,660 times

Last updated: 29 Jul '14, 08:56