I'm running PA Server Monitor Ultra

I'm having a periodic issue where PA Server Monitor is filling the Security log on one of my domain controllers.

The issue comes and goes. It might go one for 1 to several days -- switching between domain controllers -- then not happen for several weeks.

My Security log is configured for 80 MB. When the issue is occurring, The log on the affected DC might go back 20 - 25 minutes. I've counted over 50 events recorded in a second.

The source of the events is "Microsoft Windows security auditing." and the IDs are 4624 and 4634. The account being logged on and off is my unelevated monitoring account -- so, not the account I use on the monitors configured for my domain controllers.


asked 26 Jun '14, 10:08

Supernaut's gravatar image

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answered 28 Jun '14, 05:57

arfimelani's gravatar image

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Asked: 26 Jun '14, 10:08

Seen: 4,456 times

Last updated: 28 Jun '14, 05:57