
I am currently having an issue where inventory alerter is setup to run again windows updates, however the chances of a successful run are something of a put luck situation. If I add the monitor and manually run it then it goes of and does it thing without a fuss. However if then left to run on its schedule it comes back with the message 'Can't Run' and the status of 'No inventory to check'.

If I then remove the monitor, run the collector again and then re-add the alter then I start back at the beginning of the process.

Any idea's?

Cheers Dan

asked 28 Jul '14, 12:47

Dan_cis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Dan,

Let's start by making sure that everything is up to date. Please make sure that the main service is the latest version 5.5 and if you are using any satellites that they are upgraded as well.

Next, will the Inventory Collector run on it's schedule without any issues (using the credentials you have given for the server)? What are the settings of the inventory collector? A Screenshot would be great to see.


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answered 28 Jul '14, 14:00

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 28 Jul '14, 12:47

Seen: 15,656 times

Last updated: 28 Jul '14, 14:00