Hi We use PA Ultra to monitor some of our customers systems. Central service is hosted in the cloud. We've created a group for each of them. We encounter a strange behavior. Some customer (satellite ?) are sending alerts in french, others in english. All of our customers Windows OS are FR. Alert Language set at Central Service is english as we use a parser for alerts and want always one language. Alert language from some customer can change from french to english from time to time. This behavior is beyond our understanding Is there a mean to set and lock the language on a satellite ? |
Hi Quinn, The answer you provided by mail worked so I quote your mail here for others to see : First, what you need to do is to change the Lang_Service_Key registry value for the Main Service to EN. Make sure that this value is capitalized. Then after the main service has been changed you need to restart all of your satellites. Open the console and go to Configuration -> Bulk Config. In this menu select from the dropdown "Satellites: Restart Satellites" and then select all of your satellites. Then select Perform Operation. The restart will take some time to complete. Thanks again for your help |
Hi Lpersat, Can you post the text of those alerts to us so we can see what you are looking at? Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |
Hi Quinn, Here is a sample of what we don't want : Monitor [SRV76130M2] [Service Watchdog] n'a pas pu s'exécuter. Le moniteur peut ou ne peut ne pas fonctionner correctement jusqu'� ce que le service soit redémarré. La raison donnée: Impossible de surveiller les services sur SRV76130M2. Rapport OS: Le serveur RPC n'est pas disponible. Astuce de dépannage: Essayez de vous connecter � SRV76130AD en tant que SANORMECOcegidservices. Ensuite, exécutez SERVICES.MSC et essayez de vous connecter au serveur � distance et consulter la liste des services pour voir si elle réussit. Sinon, vous pourrez avoir � démarrer le service de registre � distance, ou activer des règles de gestion � distance dans le coupe-feu Windows. [Err=0x6BA (1722), CurrUser=cegidservices, Imp={aucun}] (Beaucoup d'erreurs sont souvent causées par le manque de droits � une ressource du système--peut-être cette erreur aussi?) Statut=msCANTMONITOR, Version=5.5.0 (Build 147) Ver 5.5.0 (Build 147) This System Alert's delivery can be configured in Settings -> System Alerts ============ Next Alert ============ Monitor [SRV76130M2] [Event Log Errors] n'a pas pu s'exécuter. Le moniteur peut ou ne peut ne pas fonctionner correctement jusqu'� ce que le service soit redémarré. La raison donnée: Impossible d'ouvrir le journal des événements Application sur la machine \SRV76130M2. Rapport OS: Le serveur RPC n'est pas disponible. Astuce de dépanage: Essayez de vous connecter � SRV76130AD en tant que . Ensuite, exécutez EVENTVWR.MSC et essayez de vous connecter au journal d'événements � distance pour voir si vous le pouvez. Sinon, vous pourrez avoir � démarrer le service du registre � distance, ou activer des règles de gestion � distance dans le coupe-feu Windows. [Err=0x6BA (1722), CurrUser=cegidservices, Imp=]
{binary value} We want only english for all of our alert text and actualy it can change from time to time without any explanation. The satellite interface doesn't have any language settings |
Lpersat, The language settings for the service is all controlled from the main service. No alerts are sent from satellites. The satellite will send the information back to the main service and it will act upon that information. Okay, the language control only controls the text that the service produces, nothing that comes from the server is changed. In your example you see the line "Monitor [SRV76130M2] [Service Watchdog]", that line is from the PASM service. This text is controlled by the language setting that you set in the console. The rest of that message comes from the OS itself and that OS is French. We don't have the ability to convert that text to another language. You also said that sometimes your alert messages are all English, I would say that that message most likely came from an English OS. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |