I see there is a new version avalailable. But when opening the download link, the version to download is a 30 day trail version. Does this version update the old one with all settings? Does it pickup the license automatically?

asked 29 Jun '15, 09:04

frits73's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Frits73,

Yes this download will update your current version and save all of your configuration. As long as the version of the license and the software are the same you will be able to continue using your current license. If you have an older license and your support is current you will be able to upgrade for free with the same download.


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answered 29 Jun '15, 16:55

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 29 Jun '15, 09:04

Seen: 4,754 times

Last updated: 29 Jun '15, 16:55