Hi all,

I keep getting this error in Database Server Monitor but can't find a solution for it. Can someone help me with it? When I check the monitor status it says OK first and right under it (same DB) it says: :Buffer NodePage Life Expectancy returned error: The instance name could not be read from the specified counter path.

Is it something with rights or is it something else what I have to look for?

asked 06 Feb '17, 08:45

i_kocak's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Feb '17, 08:50

Hi i_knocak,

Most of the time this is a permissions issue. Let's try removing PA Server Monitor from the picture and see how it looks. Get on the machine where the database is being monitored from (either the PA Server Monitor service or the satellite service) and login using the same account that PASM service using. Run perfmon.msc and try to log on to the server where the database is running and then try to view the counter. If you are unable to do so the permissions is the issues. Here is some more information on permissions.

Monitoring Permissions

Remote Monitoring Account Hints


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answered 06 Feb '17, 09:04

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

Thanks for your answer but it was not the rights... We have changed Buffer node to buffer node(000) and it started working but I have a different question.

(07 Feb '17, 09:25) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 06 Feb '17, 08:45

Seen: 4,545 times

Last updated: 07 Feb '17, 09:25