I have the console installed on my laptop and make a connection to the server via remote login. For some reason I am unable to view certain information from my laptop console but I see all information from the server console. For example I am unable to view the Monitor status, Recent alerts or Recently Acknowledged alerts from the console on my laptop. Is there a reason for this? This is how my colleagues will administer the devices so we all need to see all the information.

asked 22 Jun '15, 18:18

skahlam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Skahlam,

When you open your login menu for your console. Please make sure that the Embedded Browser is set to Chromium. If it has been set to IE there are some issues with the display of the tables for those sections that your listed.


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answered 23 Jun '15, 11:05

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 22 Jun '15, 18:18

Seen: 7,338 times

Last updated: 23 Jun '15, 11:05