To prevent false alarms for monitored hosts that periodically experience limited high resource usage,I'd like to create a performance monitor that requires two criteria to be met before triggering. A specific example: Fire an action only if (CPU usage is greater than 90% for 10 minutes) AND (Memory usage is greater than 90% for 10 minutes).

As far as I can tell the performance monitor treats each performance counter as an independent criteria. For instance an action is fired if: (CPU usage is greater than 90% for 10 minutes) OR (Memory usage is greater than 90% for 10 minutes).

Hopefully I am missing something or configuring the monitors incorrectly as using a single monitor to accomplish this is critical.

asked 05 May '17, 13:00

IamMJ's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi IamMJ,

You are not missing anything on the Performance Monitor, there is no option to set the status of the monitor to alert when two counters are in alert.

There is another option, use the Calculated Status Monitor. You will need to setup two separate monitors one for each of the performance counters and then setup a Calculated Status Monitor that will compare the two and alert if needed.


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answered 05 May '17, 16:10

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 05 May '17, 13:00

Seen: 7,199 times

Last updated: 05 May '17, 16:10