We have a problem regarding the memory monitor. In the PA console we see that memory only is at 50% usage, but when we look at the actual server(mail server), the memory is at 90% constant. Does anyone know something about this? |
Please send your screenshots to support@poweramdin.com and I'll take a look at them. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |
Unfortunately the performance counters from Windows don't actually expose the same data that task manager uses. The memory performance counters we get from Windows we get are the total memory available (which includes the swap space), while task manager's are based on RAM usage not total available memory. We have written a Powershell Execute Script monitor that's being used by another customer to show the same numbers that task manager is giving, I've included it below if you want to use it yourself: Start of Code #Change this to the percentage RAM use that should trigger the actions $action_threshold = 90 $free = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_operatingSystem -Namespace "rootcimv2" -Computer $mon.ComputerName).FreePhysicalMemory $total = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_operatingSystem -Namespace "rootcimv2" -Computer $mon.ComputerName).TotalVisibleMemorySize $server = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_computersystem -Namespace "rootcimv2" -Computer $mon.ComputerName).DNSHostName $used = $total - $free $percentage = $used / $total * 100 $mon.FireActions = ($percentage -gt $action_threshold) $display_percentage=[math]::round($percentage, 1) $display_total_gb = [math]::round($total / 1024 / 1024, 2) if ($mon.FireActions) { $mon.Details = "RAM usage (" + $display_percentage+ "%) of " + $display_total_gb + "GB on " + $server + " above " + $action_threshold + "% threshold" $mon.SetMonitorStatus($mon.msAlert) } else { $mon.Details = "RAM usage (" + $display_percentage + "%) of " + $display_total_gb + "GB on " + $server + " below " + $action_threshold + "% threshold" } $usedStatID = $mon.GetStatID("RAM/used") $usedGbStatID = $mon.GetStatID("RAM/GB used") $mon.RecordStat($usedStatID, $used) $mon.RecordStat($usedGbStatID, $used /1024 /1024) $totalStatID = $mon.GetStatID("RAM/total") $totalGbStatID = $mon.GetStatID("RAM/GB total") $mon.RecordStat($totalStatID, $total) $mon.RecordStat($totalGbStatID, $total / 1024 / 1024) $display_percentageStatID = $mon.GetStatID("RAM/percentage") $mon.RecordStat($display_percentageStatID, $display_percentage) End of Code To add a chart for the RAM usage to your server status report:
This chart will show you a red line for the total RAM in the server and a green line for it's current usage. If you'd prefer a percentage display like the existing chart do steps 1 through 4 above then:
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