Hi all,

I wonder if anyone has seen the following Inventory collector error and can assist in resolving this?(I suspect it is a permission missing)

"Inventory Collector Probe methods: WMI, System Details program Unable to retrieve Windows Update counts because of: [Err=0x8024002E (2149842990), CurrUser=[XXXUsername], Imp={none}]"



asked 27 Jan '17, 07:01

MartinCooper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Jan '17, 07:02

Hi Martin,

Most of the time it is a permissions issue. Make sure that your user account has admin rights to access the remote server. If you are still getting the error message after you have updated your credentials please zip up and send the log files to us a long with a screenshot of the error message. the image will give us the server name and the errors. support@poweradmin.com


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answered 27 Jan '17, 09:18

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 27 Jan '17, 07:01

Seen: 3,654 times

Last updated: 27 Jan '17, 09:18