I am trying out PA Server Monitor Ultra (trial version) on two computers (WinXP) right now. My set up right now has the console on computer 1 and nothing on the computer 2. Everything is set up with full connectivity between the two computers and I can see remote computer on the console. My problem occurs after I turn off the remote computer and turn it back on. When I try to add counters in the performance monitor tab, I get a (???+1027) error. I've disabled the firewalls for now and enabled Remote Registry service on both systems.

asked 22 Nov '12, 12:56

Echo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Nov '12, 12:58

Hi Echo,

Can you repeat this error? If you can, please do so and then zip up and send us your log files. When you open the Settings menu at the bottom you will see the location of the log files for PA Server Monitor. Please send the zipped up log files and a screen shot of the error that you are getting to support@poweradmin.com

Thanks Quinn


answered 26 Nov '12, 09:57

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 22 Nov '12, 12:56

Seen: 5,879 times

Last updated: 26 Nov '12, 09:57