Dear PA-Monitor Support, I have a problem with the "Directory Quota Monitor" who gets reseted to the "Default Quota" without human intervention! This is not the behaviour we used to see, and this was working Ok for the past years..

Here is the use case: We are using the "Directory Quota Monitor" to monitor a group of sub-directories on a specific server. When the Quota is reached we change the target directory in the program who writes data in these directories, so he can write to the new directory. We have to do this because that particular system writes a lot of data, and so we can build-up data to (for example) 1 TB of data in each directory before moving to the next one.

When the "Active" directory reach the Quota of 1 Tb, we then manually modify the quota of this one on the Pa-Monitor "Directory Quota Monitor" and change it to a value higher than 1 Tb (1200 Gb in that exemple) so then, we don't get alerted for that one anymore! We also move the target to the next directory, 1-2-3-... and so on! At the end, each directory get filled to 1 TB, and our Backup team can more easily grab these directories on their system!

Here is the problem encountered: In the last week, our "Directory Quota Monitor" has reset all his settings. All the custom quota configured on sub-directories monitored by the monitor, have been reconfigured back to 1 Tb (Default Quota value of the Monitor). Pa-Monitor sent alerte because all sub-directories already filled-up, are in fack, over the default quota! That's normal operation..but WHY does this monitor reset itself ????

This is a problem for us, and I would like to know why this is happening!?? This Quota monitor is running OK for 2 years now, and he never reseted like that before this week. Now, it looks like it reseted his setting 3 times this week, and that needs much work to fix every custom quota on each sub-directory! Can you help us?

Thanks you very much for the help! Best Regards

asked 06 Oct '22, 11:28

PYLafond's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi PYLafond,

We would like to get your log files so that we can investigate this issue. Please open your Console and go to System Settings, in this menu towards the bottom please click on the FTP Logs to Support button. This process will take a few minutes.

After the logs have been sent would you please send me a screenshot of your monitor's settings. Then please tell me the date and time of the last quota change. You can send the image and the information to support@poweradmin.com


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answered 07 Oct '22, 12:48

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn, The system asks me for the "Request ID" before uploading the logs.. I dont have a request for this issue.

Can you provide me with an ID please?

Best Regards PY


answered 07 Oct '22, 15:40

PYLafond's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Sorry the taking so long to reply. Because we don't have a ticket setup yet please enter your company and then send the log files.


Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray checkmark to the left of the answer.


answered 10 Oct '22, 10:46

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

I just uploaded the Logs to your FTP. Our compagny name is: CISSSCA in case you dont have it. The last time all our Quotas had been resetted is last weekend.

I fixed them all on friday 7 October 2022 (late on PM, around ~15h30), and we received alerte for Quotas on 8 October morning... so you should find something between last Friday and Saturday.

Thanks you very much for your support. PY


answered 12 Oct '22, 14:56

PYLafond's gravatar image

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Asked: 06 Oct '22, 11:28

Seen: 1,836 times

Last updated: 12 Oct '22, 14:56