I've got a monitor that was sending "failed to run" emails, I didn't need that particular monitor so I deleted it, but it's still sending "failed to run" emails. What can I do to stop them without changing the global system alerts?
asked 25 Jun '19, 15:25
davidwolf 27●1●6●12 accept rate: 14%
Have you tried restarting the service?
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answered 25 Jun '19, 15:45
Quinn ♦♦ 14.5k●3●9●25 accept rate: 35%
Yeah, that did it. I restarted the service on the satellite. Thanks!
answered 25 Jun '19, 16:50
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monitor ×81 alerts ×21 systemalerts ×3
Asked: 25 Jun '19, 15:25
Seen: 2,167 times
Last updated: 25 Jun '19, 16:50
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