I am not able to connect to the console on FileSight. I just upgraded to to try to fix the issue. I can access reports via the web portal on but when I try to open the console, it says the monitoring service is not running. Have restarted the service and Windows (Server 2012 R2) several times with no results. Any ideas?

asked 28 Jun '18, 08:40

davidm2232's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi davidm2232,

We have seen this only a very few times. Would you please stop your PA File Sight service in Services or Task Manager. Then open try to login to PAFS. You will be told that the service is not running (you know this as you just stopped it) and then will be asked if you would like to start the service select Yes.

Did this work? Did you get logged in?


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answered 02 Jul '18, 10:14

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Tried that. Still not able to log in. It just keeps saying the monitoring service is not running and asks if I want to start it. I click yes, there is maybe a 30 second delay, and it pops up again.

(02 Jul '18, 10:24) davidm2232

Please try this one more time. Once you have completed this please zip up and send us all of your log files. They are located in PA File SightLogs. We'll take a look in the log files to see if we can find the issue. Send the zip file and a link to this post to support@poweradmin.com

(02 Jul '18, 10:59) Quinn ♦♦

Logs have been sent

(06 Jul '18, 14:13) davidm2232

Hi David —

The root cause is it looks like the filter was changed and the items were separated with a semicolon instead of a colon.

We can fix this.

Open RegEdit and go to:


Go down to:



Make sure the values there are comma separated, and without any extra spaces.

So it looks like the value should be:


After that is changed, restart the monitoring service and the login will work.

Power Admin Support


answered 09 Jul '18, 10:39

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 28 Jun '18, 08:40

Seen: 3,095 times

Last updated: 09 Jul '18, 10:39