Is it possible to monitor the amount of disk space available on Windows Clustered Shared Volumes in the same way as local drives?

asked 15 Nov '16, 05:16

Richard1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Richard1,

Can you access the disk via UNC path? Can you see the disk from Windows Explorer? If you are able to do one of these you should be able to add the drive to a Disk Space monitor.


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answered 15 Nov '16, 09:15

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for your reply, although you can access the drive as a UNC path, at any one time you do not know what that server will be.

For example if you have a cluster of 3 servers (server1,server2,server3) the path \\server1\c$\ClusterStorage\Volume1 will only be valid if server1 is actively handling requests to that CSV. So it going to be one of :-


the other two servers will report that the folder does not exist. I think the disk space checker may need to be updated to make it cluster aware if understanding is correct. (Which of course it may not be !!)

Best Regards, Richard


answered 15 Nov '16, 12:10

Richard1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Nov '16, 12:15


That is the issue, PA Server Monitor is not cluster aware. You could monitor all three servers. Two of them would always be in error mode since the disk wouldn't be available. You don't want to constantly be showing red errors though, so you can go into the monitor, to Advanced Options and set that monitor to always show green even when in error mode.


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answered 15 Nov '16, 15:51

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 15 Nov '16, 05:16

Seen: 53,373 times

Last updated: 31 Jan '17, 22:10