Hello again :) So I installed PA Satellite on a pretty much fresh MS Server 2016 Standard

The default Monitors all work, and I wanted to add iLO through IPMI Adding the Server results in this error: Failed to access X.X.X.X via IPMI protocols. Error: Unrecognized error -1073741515 from ipmi probeYou can test these credentials directly by running: "C:Program FilesPA Server Monitoripmiutil.exe" sensor -N {hostname/IP_address} -U {username} -P {password}

Running that command gave me the error: Programm could not be started, "MSVCR110.dll" missing

I see: Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (x64 and x86) redist got installed today Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (x64 and x86) redist were allready installed

However, the MSVCR110.dll is not in "C:WindowsSysWOW64" (It is in "C:WindowsSystem32")

I copied the .dll from my Windows 10 SysWOW64 folder into "C:Program FilesPA Server Monitor" and it started to work (I could add the Server)

So my question, what is missing?

asked 12 Sep '19, 08:37

thunderbyte's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Sep '19, 08:38

Hi Thunderbyte -

Thank you for your excellent troubleshooting help. We compile with VS 2017, and thus install the vcredist for 2017. But as you've shown the IPMI utility apparently uses the vcredist from 2012. We're adding the vcredist 2012 to the installer so this is handled automatically going forward.



answered 17 Sep '19, 09:37

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Hello Quinn

Setup a test VM, Server 2016 standard, nothing else installed

Installed PA Monitor Sattelite (

The log looks good to me (Exit code: 0x0) Both installers are there

Running ipmiutil.exe gives me the reported error

I uninstalled both vcredist, and reinstalled from the Program FilesPA Server Monitorvcredist folder

-> same error

I uninstalled both again, and downloaded different vcredists from microsoft

2015 and 2013 did not work

the one that worked: vcredist 2012 x86 - 11.0.61030

so.. the easyest would probably be if you include the .dll with the PA sattelite installer


answered 17 Sep '19, 08:32

thunderbyte's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Sep '19, 08:33

Hi thunderbyte,

I'm not following your question, "What is missing". It appears that you were able to get the iLO added as a server.


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answered 12 Sep '19, 12:19

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Granted, I could fix it as described.

It seems that the Sattelite installer does not install a C++ redist version required to run the IPMI monitor or reports a proper warning (same with the missing .net on ESX monitor, see my other post here)

Whats missing was meant to, what version of C++ redist should I install rather than copy a dll

Maybe the Sattelite installer should install the dll?

I dunno. Trying to give quality feedback here to improve the product

(english is not my main language so excuse bad wording)


answered 12 Sep '19, 13:52

thunderbyte's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Would you look in the Program FilesPA Server MonitorInstall folder for the "vcredist_x86.log" file. Please review the log to see if there was any errors recorded during installation.

Also, please make sure that you see these two files in Program FilesPA Server Monitorvcredist folder. vcredist_x64.exe


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answered 16 Sep '19, 14:48

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 12 Sep '19, 08:37

Seen: 2,747 times

Last updated: 17 Sep '19, 09:37