I get the error message "Failed to start the PAExec service on Can you start it via services.msc from FILESVR?" with being the ip address of the client I need to deploy and FILESVR being the name of the PA File Sight server.

I added the domain admin account for "Service Run As Account".

Please kindly help me fix the error in this case, thanks.

asked 18 Nov '22, 04:41

Phuoc%20Tien's gravatar image

Phuoc Tien
accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Nov '22, 04:51

Hi Phuoc Tien,

You can always install the Satellite manually by taking the installer and running it on the remote server, You can find a satellite only installer on your Central server at ..PA File SightInstallSat_Only_Setup.exe. You can use that exe file to do the install. You will need to configure the Satellite after the install but that is really easy.

The PA File Sight license that you have is able to monitor one server. If you need to monitor more servers you will then need to get an additional license.


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answered 18 Nov '22, 14:38

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 18 Nov '22, 04:41

Seen: 1,340 times

Last updated: 18 Nov '22, 14:38