We recently moved a satellite server our instance of Filesight monitors to a new IP address. We are having an issue where the inventory collector and the server are recognized and show as active in PA file sight but any monitors I create show as ready and never pull any data. I occasionally get the following email alert: "System Alert Rule: Error: Monitor Eng Shared Folders on <server name=""> has been running for over 12h 11m. It might be locked. Some monitors not getting to run Forwarded from <server name=""> remote satellite".

I have made sure that the Monitor isn't locked. I have completely rebuilt the monitors and have rebooted the server running PA Filesight and the satellite server and we are running the latest version of the software on both the server and the satellite.

asked 28 Mar '24, 14:41

Ryan%20Tucker's gravatar image

Ryan Tucker
accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Mar '24, 14:54

Hi Ryan,

Have you tried restarting the Satellite? This will tell the Satellite to get a copy of the configuration from the Central Service.

Also, have you checked to make sure that the user account that the service is using has access to the server?


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answered 29 Mar '24, 09:19

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn. Yes, I have restarted the Satellite and have verified that the user account the service is using has access to the server. The issue still persists even after a reboot and starting/ stopping the satellite service.


answered 03 Apr '24, 00:01

Ryan%20Tucker's gravatar image

Ryan Tucker
accept rate: 0%


Would you please send us your log files? In the Console go to Adv Svcs -> Satellite Services and right-click on the Satellite in question. then select Retrieve Satellite Log file to Central Service. Give the service a few minutes and then go to System Settings and click on the FTP Logs to Support button. This process will zip up and send all of the log files.

Once you have completed this please send us an email letting us know and also the names of the server with the new IP Address.


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answered 03 Apr '24, 09:25

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 28 Mar '24, 14:41

Seen: 3,171 times

Last updated: 03 Apr '24, 09:25