Hi, I've upgraded PAultra from 4 to 5 and getting some time the following error - Additionally on the console I can see a "Database Error". what can be the reason?

System Error Detected: Database error

sqlite_exec failed with 5 (database is locked ExtErr=5) for

SQL=[begin immediate;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TableSchemaTracker ( TableName TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, SchemaVersion INTEGER NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS Ind_TableSchemaTracker_TableName ON TableSchemaTracker (TableName);; end;]. Will re-open Ver 5.0.3 (Build 135)

asked 13 Feb '13, 08:25

sephi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi sephi

Would you please zip up and send us your log files? We take a look to see what is happening when you received this error.


answered 13 Feb '13, 11:50

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi, thx for your answer - I've send the files to support@poweradmin.com


answered 13 Feb '13, 12:24

sephi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 13 Feb '13, 08:25

Seen: 7,306 times

Last updated: 13 Feb '13, 12:24