I need a way to get notified when when events occur with one or more event categories by one or more users. I don't see a way to filter on event category or event user. I'm I just missing something here?

asked 27 Feb '13, 21:47

MichaelM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How do I specify specific users or specific event categories? I see how to do IDs. Is it just Category: xxxx or Username: xxxx in the text field?

(28 Feb '13, 09:55) MichaelM

Hi Michael,

Thank you for the question. You can use the filters in the Event Log Monitor find the desired events that you are looking for. Here are two link to the documentation that will help you.

Event Log Monitor
HOWTO - Audit Windows Logons and Logon Failures

The HOWTO page shows you how to add filters to the Event Log Monitor to watch for Logon events, but you can use the same steps to add filters for the events that you are looking for. Also, on the HOWTO page there is a link to a video that shows you how to add the filters. You may need to do a little research to find the correct log files and event ids.


answered 28 Feb '13, 09:47

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

How do I specify specific users or specific event categories? I see how to do IDs. Is it just Category: xxxx or Username: xxxx in the text field?

(28 Feb '13, 10:13) MichaelM

There are some filter examples toward the bottom of the HOWTO page and on the filter menu itself. So if you wanted to find any log entry for the Windows PowerShell source that had a Task Category of "Engine Lifecycle" or the User "Quinn" you could use something like this in the Includes box: "Task Category: Engine Lifecycle" OR "User: Quinn"

(28 Feb '13, 10:42) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 27 Feb '13, 21:47

Seen: 5,249 times

Last updated: 28 Feb '13, 10:42