Hi, since upgrading to we are having constant connection drops with one of our remote satelites.

I know that there is nothing wrong with their network/internet connection as at the time of the drop i have been connected via remote desktop, and also have browsed network drives, been using networked software etc.

After much thought i can only think that this has happened since upgrading to 4.2 - i have checked and my satellite is also 4.2

we have tried reinstalling the satellite to see if that helped. Which is hasnt.

The machine is server 2008 r2 64bit standard.

asked 30 Jul '12, 04:34

Kenzii's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Update: This problem was in version 4.2 when Satellites were fairly new. Issues like this don't seem to happen any more with version 6 (as of 2016).

We need to do some troubleshooting to divide the problem space and find the root cause.

Since it's just one Satellite, it's probably not the Central Monitoring service (otherwise the other Satellites would likely exhibit the same problem).

When the problem is happening, try to RDP into the Satellite server, and then on the Satellite server, open a browser to https://{central server}:{central port}/

Can you get to the Central Server via the browser?

Assuming you can, the next thing to do would be to look in the Satellite's log files. By default it is at:

C:Program FilesPA Server MonitorLogsPA Server Monitor_Satellite_Log.txt

Does it show a failed connection and a reason?


answered 30 Jul '12, 08:38

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

edited 29 Jul '16, 16:22


Sorry i should of said. at the time of disconnects we are remote desktoped onto the machine through internet and dont recieve any drop outs. Neither do network users.

From the logs.. i can find this at time of one of the drop outs:

EDIT: [removed logs]

There is no reason for it not to be able to connect to the adddress as all other servers can.

(31 Jul '12, 04:33) Kenzii

From the logs, it looks like a timeout is happening on the Central Server. When this happens, look at the Central Server and see how CPU usage looks. If that doesn't reveal anything, zip and send your logs from the Central Server and also the Satellite server, along with the time the problem happens to our support email address so we can investigate further.

(31 Jul '12, 09:40) Doug ♦♦

Hi, I'm just setting up a new machine and will move across everything to see if this resolves the issue. Thanks


answered 09 Aug '12, 08:21

Kenzii's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 30 Jul '12, 04:34

Seen: 6,910 times

Last updated: 29 Jul '16, 16:22