I get the following notice every time I open PA Storage Monitor:

The following issues have been found with monitoring system's integrity:

The action DLL is missing for the following monitors: [Critically Low Disk Space Check] on [[monitor name]] [Very Low Disk Space Check] on [[monitor name]]

I can ignore this and everything seems to function normally, but I'm wondering what it means.

asked 14 Jun '13, 14:12

isaacdagel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Jun '13, 14:13

Hmmm, something isn't right.

Open one of those monitors and click the Actions button. You'll probably find an unknown action attached to the monitor. You can delete it as the action wasn't doing anything anyway. If you know what the action was, we can dig a little further to try and figure out what happened.


answered 21 Jun '13, 14:18

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 14 Jun '13, 14:12

Seen: 82,000 times

Last updated: 21 Jun '13, 14:18