On some Hosts this message appears: "This monitor does not work with the current license(s)" Hmm, what's wrong with the Ultra-Edition?

asked 29 Jul '13, 15:17

LUXIT's gravatar image

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Hi Luxit,

Would you have time to do a remote session so that we can take a look?


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answered 30 Jul '13, 10:22

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Quinn ♦♦
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Hi Luxit,

Can you tell me what version of the software you are using and what your license name is?


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answered 29 Jul '13, 17:03

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Quinn ♦♦
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Hi Quinn

Version: The licensename is the same as in the subscription area, but in Uppercase.

I have tested a new licensefile (download from subscription area) yesterday:

The problem is the same, but the license windows shows me with this new licensefile a option to choose "per Server" or "per monitor". This option is not available with the original licensefile i used since 2011.

Today i have testet the license from the subscription portal again: Now i can't start the service with this licensefile. The original starts the service, but with the license warning on some monitors on some hosts.


answered 30 Jul '13, 03:46

LUXIT's gravatar image

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Hi Quinn,

thanks for the remote session yesterday. You are right: The solution was to update the satellites to the current version of PA Servermonitor. All monitors with the problem was new ones like the "Event validator" monitored via satellites.

The problem with the new licensefile is still alive but that's no problem - the old one works perfect.

BTW: The function "Upgrade all satellites to current version" does here not work (also the upgrade job for a single satellite). We have now upgrade the satellites on the remote machines. Do you have a hint for us to find the problem?


answered 01 Aug '13, 09:07

LUXIT's gravatar image

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Great to hear that the issue is resolved.

To look into why the Upgrade Satellite did not work we'll need to get the log files from your main service and from one of the satellites machines. Please select one of the satellite machines and do a right click. In the menu select Retrieve Satellite log file, that file will be placed in the Logs directory of the main service. When the file is downloaded you can zip up the entire directory and send it to us at support@poweradmin.com


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answered 01 Aug '13, 09:31

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

thanks again for your very quick response. The problem ist solved!

We found an entry in the logfile that the satellite IP is blocked from the HTTP Server Settings. The upgrade process used the "Report Serving" entry and not the "Command Request Processing (Satellite service etc)" ...


answered 01 Aug '13, 16:46

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Asked: 29 Jul '13, 15:17

Seen: 7,279 times

Last updated: 01 Aug '13, 16:46