Hi Team, Hoping you can help me find the source of this issue. The log file monitor triggers on already detected entries. We have it set to run every hour, but we were still receiving the alert 4 hours after the last entry matching. Here is the set-up Match: "FATAL ERROR in SQL call" 501 matches have been found in file \xxx.log:r 11-12-2017 12:00:20.070 [176040746, 24215.000,123047936,2950147157]: sql_exec_direct_internal:SQLExecDirect: FATAL ERROR in SQL call |
Hi shaunscott, What maybe happening is that the log file is rolling over and monitor can't find the where it ended on the last scan. When the log file monitor runs it keeps track of where it left off. However when a log file rolls over that location no longer matches what the monitor thinks is the last scanned location. Try setting your log file monitor to run more frequently. This should help with large files. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |