I'm running Storage Monitor on a workstation, with the default database type. What's the best way to back up the databases?

If I just copy them without stopping the service, I assume there's a risk the copies will be corrupt. Is there a way to copy them safely without stopping the service?

If I change the database location from on this PC to an SQL Server database so that it can be backed up with our other databases, will it copy all my data, or will it start with empty tables?

asked 27 Jan '16, 21:25

pshute's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Hi pshute,

You are correct that if you want to back up the default database you will need to stop the service. In most cases that's not an option.

If you change your database from the default DB to SQL Server DB then you will be able to take advantage of using the options built into the SQL Server to do regular backups.

Moving from the default database is easy and yes y ou can have you data moved as well. Sometimes moving the data can take a while. There is more information in our documentation on Database Settings.


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answered 28 Jan '16, 13:07

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks. Now what happens if I want to put it all back how it was? Can I reverse the process?


answered 28 Jan '16, 13:22

pshute's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

I guess I don't understand... Why would you want to switch back to the default database?

(29 Jan '16, 09:55) Quinn ♦♦

Why would I want to switch back? I hope I wouldn't, I'm just thinking about what I'd do if things don't work out.


answered 29 Jan '16, 15:06

pshute's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Yes, you can switch back the default database. The service will also give you the option to copy the data from your SQL Server to the default Database.


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answered 01 Feb '16, 09:00

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks, last question (I think) - is there any way to estimate how much room the data will consume if I move it to SQL Server? I'm concerned that I might run our main SQL Server out of disk space, which would be ironic considering the purpose of Storage Monitor.

Perhaps I should install SQL Server Express locally first to try it. I assume it's possible to move the data from there to another SQL Server later?


answered 02 Feb '16, 15:51

pshute's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

That's a conman question. We aren't able to give you a answer to how much disk space your going to need. There are too many variables that will change the space needed, such as number of monitors, how often they scan, how long you keep the data, how data you are scanning.

Your idea to try on the SQL Server Express on your local machine would be a great start.


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answered 03 Feb '16, 09:33

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

What I meant, Quinn, was can I make a guess at the disk space from the size of the existing SQLite database files?


answered 03 Feb '16, 15:06

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accept rate: 16%

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Asked: 27 Jan '16, 21:25

Seen: 10,686 times

Last updated: 03 Feb '16, 15:06