We have two WS08 R2 servers that are configured as terminal servers.

We installed PA Server Monitor in local mode.

We are unable to add an Event Log monitor to either of these systems. When we do, the Add New Monitor function gives the following error:

"Failed to get a list of event logs and event sources from the monitoring service or remote server. Changes to this monitor will not be saved at this time.

Unable to get a list of Event Log sources on ORION from ORION because remote registry can not be accessed. OS reports: The network path was not found [Err=0x35 (53), currUser=System, Imp=]"

If I check services.msc, the Remote Registry service is already started.

Any idea why this is occurring?


asked 16 May '16, 20:34

sheldon715's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi --

It looks like you are running the service with the local system account. This account does not have access to remote servers. You need to run the service with an admin account to have the permissions. Here are some link on Monitoring Permissions and Remote Monitoring Account Hints.


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answered 17 May '16, 09:05

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 16 May '16, 20:34

Seen: 5,658 times

Last updated: 31 Jan '17, 22:20