
Currently testing PA Storagemonitpor Ultra for our Company. Is it possible to include the link to the webreport in the sheduled Report sent per email? (Directory growth Report) Our accountable person of the Department regarding the Report needs the ability to browse the subfolder to see which folder increased. This is possible on the webreport, but i found now solution to include the link tho the webreport in the email. Giving all the persons just a URL to all existing Reports is not an Option, we need the direct link to the Report.

Thanks G.

asked 28 Nov '16, 06:41

G_PD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi G_PD,

Thank you for trying out PA Storage Monitor Ultra!

There is a setting that will add a link to the email that will take your user to the report. Please go to Advanced Services (left side navigation) and then select Advanced Settings. In the list on the right side you will find several registry values that will allow you to change some of the settings for the product. The one that you need to find is "HTMLEmail_NoHRefs2". The default settings is 1 which turns off the link but if you switch the value to 0 the link will appear.

Please let us know how your testing goes and if you have any other questions. support@poweradmin.com


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answered 28 Nov '16, 09:45

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks, that worked!


answered 30 Nov '16, 03:36

G_PD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 28 Nov '16, 06:41

Seen: 4,351 times

Last updated: 30 Nov '16, 03:36