We have certain servers where we cannot pick up performance. Remote Registry is running. What can prevent this from working eg. Firewall ports.

asked 18 Jan '13, 06:05

jcochrane's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Firewalls, though mostly it's a rights issue. Take PA Server Monitor out of the picture and then simulate what it is doing by:

  1. Login where PA Server Monitor is running, ideally as the same account that the PA Server Monitor service is using
  2. Start perfmon.exe and try to connect to your target server and view some counters. My bet is it will fail.

If you need to do a login in step 2 above, give PA Server Monitor the same credentials by right-clicking on the server and going to Type & Credentials -> Set Computer Type. Here you can specify it's a Windows server, and give the username/password to use.


answered 21 Jan '13, 16:38

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 18 Jan '13, 06:05

Seen: 6,445 times

Last updated: 21 Jan '13, 16:38