Hi! We are using PA storage monitor with a central Monitoring service using SQL DB, and several satellite Services using local DB (in Directory). Now i can set up databse cleanup values on satellite Service as well as on central Monitorings ervice. I now want to Keep local databse in satellite sevrice as small as possible while still keeping the historic data of the satellite Services in central Monitoring DB (SQL) How is the data Transfer between the satellite Service and central Monitoring service done? is satallite data saved in central Monitoring DB? Thanks! Gernot |
Gernot, Keeping the correct amount of data is always the trick, isn't it. :-) You want to have enough data so you can crate the reports that you need and to track down issues, but you don't want too much data so that it doesn't take too much disk space. I don't think that it would be "wasted" space but more of a security precaution to protect against issues that occur. You are correct. If a satellite is running the File System Analyzer scan, the data collected by the monitor is stored at the satellite location. This is because of the size of the data collected and we don't want too much network traffic passing large amounts of data back to the central service. You are correct that if you loss your satellite database you will lose the data from the File System Analyzer monitor scans. Losing databases is never a good thing. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |
Hi Quinn, We don't have SQL Server in all satellite Locations, so we can't use SQL DB everywhere. I'm just afraid that local DB on satellite is growing really fast and "wasting" diskspace. (we have really huge directory structures with Millions of files/Folders!!!) So we just don't wan't to use all this diskspace, because it would be enough for us to have it stored in central SQL db. we are only using the file System analyzer on all our satellite Services. So have i understood your answer correct that:
Thanks, Gernot |
Hi Gernot, I'm not sure that I understand your question or why you would want to keep less data (number of days) in your satellite database and more data (number of days) in your central service database. Wouldn't you want to have the same number of days of data from your satellite service as you would for your central service? Information about where the data is stored... The data that is collected by the satellite monitors is ether stored locally for the sent back to the central service, but that depends on the type of data collected. For example the File System Analyzer monitor collects lots of data such as file and directory names, dates, sizes and more. This data is stored locally on the satellite in the default database unless you provide instructions to store the data in an SQL DB. Data collected by the Disk Space monitor is sent back to the central service to be stored in it's database, unless the satellite is storing data in an SQL DB. I hope this gives you the information that you are looking for. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |